Tuesday, June 02, 2009

May recap and June goals

My listed goals for May were :
- Play at least 15,000 hands of online poker.
- Post a winning month
- Get a coaching session
- Start reviewing my play more
- Start participating on the 2+2 forums again.
- Update this blog more frequently

With a big losing month and just 10K hands you could easily assume that this month is a massive failure. Trust me, it's not. Sure I missed at least half my goals (did not get a coaching session either), but I did start reviewing my play more and it paid off.

I've finally identified one of the big leaks in my game that was in part responsible for the massive downswing I was in. Since that revelation, my results have been improved already and I am fully confident that June's going to be much better than May and April.

So what are my goals for June?
- 15,000 hands. I need to start focusing again and put up more volume. I'm way behind pace for my yearly volume goal.
- A winning month. Armed with what I spotted I am confident about this.
- Continue to improve on my review/study routine.

Let's get started!

May 2009 online results